Things I Love

Wednesday, July 28, 2010
Note to left-brained people: The text and photos are just thrown in, they don’t necessarily relate.

These are things I’m loving right now and don’t want to forget about…

I love when I take her hand as she’s about to start down the front steps and she says, “Tankoo”.

I love when she puts things together for the first time. Right now, she is naming things according to who they belong to: Momma shoe. Daddy shoe. Baby diaper.

I love when she wants you to hold something so she says, “Tankoo sippy”, as she hands you her sippy cup.

I love the way she says APP-A-JUICE.

I love when she pretends to go to sleep. She thinks it’s so funny when she “tricks” me.

I love when I ask her if she’s poo-poo and she stops to think about it. She will say no even if she is, but a nod ‘yes’ is always a sure thing.

I love how she puts her hands over her eyes to hide. And the squeal of joy when I “find” her.

I love when she lays down on the floor and rolls over onto her back and lays there with a smile, waiting to be tickled.

I love how she lunges out for night night kisses while I’m holding her and how she’ll kiss anyone nearby.

I love how she has to arrange things, and when they get just right (which is rare and requires a lot of effort), she gets very still.

I love her growl-voice when she says “bear”.

I love how she loves to make people laugh.

I love that she loves books and has individual names for them all, even if they aren’t the actual titles.

I love when we are naming things in picture books and she tells me when I’m right with an exaggerated nod and a “Uh-huh, Uh-huh”.

I love how she has started trying different tactics to get picked up: “Mmm, baby? Momma? Hold me?”

I love how she loves her daddy and when we hear him coming she says “DADDY HOME”!

And when he leaves in the mornings they chorus back and forth “BYE BYE DAY”, “BYE BYE DADDY” at least 10 times. Same thing at night: “NIGHT NIGHT DAY”, “NIGHT NIGHT DADDY”.

I love when we are in the backyard and she names all the dogs and bends over with delight when she gets to McWally the cat.

I love how if one of the dogs gets too close she swats backwards and says “GO!”

2 comments to Things I Love:

karenchenoa said...


Joedee Robinson said...

I love this. It made me smile. I need to do this for my blog.